November 24, 2024
The season culminated in Grand Finals Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd November.
Saturday was the usual busy, noisy, excitement filled GF morning that we have every year here at Touch – free sausages on bread, ice blocks galore, watermelon and cordial for everyone! It is great to see the young players running around with their medallions following presentation and they always have a big smile no matter whether they are wearing gold or silver.
Congratulations to the teams who had wins but we hope that every team enjoyed the day and the season – win or lose.
DIV 1 St Joseph’s Wandal 7 def Wolfpack Grey 6
DIV 2 Wolfpack Blue 7 def Rebels Black 6
DIV 3 RGS Broncos 5 def Rebels Purple 4
DIV 4 St Mary’s Turtles 7 def St Mary’s Bilbies 0
DIV 5 Rebels White 8 def Rebels Silver 5
DIV 6 Wolfpack Red 9 def RGS Titans 6
DIV 7 St Peter’s Comets 6 def Joey Jellybeans 4
DIV 8 Wolfpack Black 5 (1st try) def Wolfpack White 5
DIV 9 St Mary’s Koalas 3 def RGS Cowboys 2
DIV 10 Primetime 11 def St Peter’s Galaxy 6
DIV 11 St Peter’s Rockets 6 def RGS Knights 5
DIV 12 Wolfpack Gold 6 def Joey Joys 2
DIV 13 St Mary’s Possums 7 def RGGS 6
DIV 1 Wolfpack Black 6 def RGS Diamonds 5
DIV 2 Wolfpack Grey 8 def Wolfpack White 5
DIV 3 RGGS 5 (1st try) def Wolfpack Blue 5
DIV 1 Wolfpack Grey 8 def Wolfpack Gold 1
DIV 2 Wolfpack Blue 5 def Rebels Silver 0
DIV 3 Wolfpack Red 8 def Rebels Mauve 5
DIV 4 Rebels White 6 def Rebels Purple 2
DIV 5 St. Peter’s Stars 5 (1st try) def Rebels Grey 5
DIV 6 St Peter’s Suns 9 def St Mary’s Quokkas 3
DIV 7 Wolfpack Black 7 def St Joseph’s Wandal Blue 4
DIV 8 Wolfpack White 9 def Joey Jets 5
DIV 9 St Joseph’s Wandal Yellow 8 def Joey Jammers 5
DIV 10 St Mary’s Rabbits 7 def St Mary’s Kookaburras 3
DIV 11 Joey Jumbucks 9 def St Peter’s Jupiter Jets 6
DIV 12 RGS Dolphins 6 def RGS Eels 3
DIV 13 Rebels Black 7 def St Peter’s Moon Warriors 5
DIV 14 RGS Bulldogs 10 def St Peter’s Fireballs 5
BYE teams (8G) St Mary’s Lorikeets played (8B/Mx) St Mary’s Crocs
DIV 1 Rebels White 5 def Rebels Silver 1
DIV 2 Wolfpack Grey 3 def St Joseph’s Wandal Yellow 0
DIV 3 Rebels Purple 1 (1st try) def Rebels Mauve 1
DIV 4 Wolfpack Gold 9 def St Mary’s Wombats 1
DIV 5 Wolfpack White 6 def St Peter’s Rainbows 2
DIV 6 Rebels Black 7 def RGGS 3
DIV 7 Wolfpack Black 8 def Joey Junes 4
DIV 8 Wolfpack Blue 6 def RGS Stars 1
BYE teams (10G) St Mary’s Sharks played (12G) St Peter’s Rubies
DIV 1 Bulldogs 11 def Rebels Silver 1
DIV 2 Rebels Purple 6 def Wolfpack Blue 1
DIV 3 Rebels Mauve 3 (1st try) def St Peter’s Storm 3
DIV 4 Wolfpack Grey 9 def Wolfpack Black 1
DIV 5 Rebels White 9 def St Mary’s Emus 0
DIV 6 Rebels Black 10 def Wolfpack White 3
DIV 7 RGS Sharks 11 def Joey Jaguars 2
DIV 8 St Peter’s Thunder 12 def Wolfpack Gold 5
DIV 9 St Joseph’s Wandal Blue 12 def RGS Rabbitohs 3
DIV 10 St Peter’s Lightning 6 def RGS Storm 2
DIV 1 Rebels Black 3 def Rebels Purple 2
DIV 2 Rebels White 6 def Wolfpack Grey 2
DIV 3 Wolfpack Black 10 def St Mary’s Bandicoots 1
DIV 4 Joey Jalapenos 7 (1st try) def Joey Jaspers 7
DIV 5 St Mary’s Goannas 7 def Wolfpack White 2
DIV 1 Rebels Black 4 def Buckaneers 2
DIV 2 Crushers 3 def Wolfpack Grey 2
DIV 3 Rebels White 6 def RGS Fire 5
DIV 4 Rebels Purple 4 def Rebels Silver 1
DIV 5 Wolfpack White 3 def St Mary’s Echidnas 2
DIV 6 St Peter’s Diamonds 3 def Wolfpack Black 0
DIV 1 Rebels White 4 def Wolfpack Black 2
DIV 2 Rebels Black 4 def Bulldogs 2
DIV 3 Rebels Silver 2 def Rebels Purple 1
DIV 4 St Peter’s TNT 7 def RGS Panthers 2
DIV 5 Wolfpack White 10 def St Mary’s Taipans 3
DIV 6 Wolfpack Grey 5 def St Mary’s Kangaroos 4
DIV 1 St Peter’s Dynomite 6 def Wolfpack Grey 2
DIV 2 Rebels Purple 4 def Rebels Black 2
DIV 3 Wolfpack Black 5 def Joey Jukes 3
BYE team : St Mary’s Wallabies
DIV 1 Rebels White 7 def Rebels Purple 4
DIV 2 RGS 7 def Rebels Black 0
DIV 3 Wolfpack Black 4 def Wolfpack Grey 3
DIV 1 Rebels Black 5 def Rebels White 2
DIV 2 Wolfpack Grey 7 def Rebels Purple 2
DIV 3 RGS 6 def Wolfpack Black 4
ANOTHER HUGE THANK YOU TO ALL TEAM/CLUB/SCHOOL ORGANISERS who prepared and brought so many of our teams together. Thanks to all of the wonderful volunteer coaches and managers and to the parents/grandparents and others who committed their Saturdays to bring the children along to play and to be part of our Touch Community.
Have a wonderful, well deserved break and we will see you all again next year!