Register Team Here
To register: Click ‘Register team here’ find which competition you will be registering for and press register. Log in to or sign up for nrl account (if it takes you to when you first sign in, try the steps again). It should take you to Mysideline team form. Fill in details and register your team. Team registration is free.
The captain or person registering will receive a link and a code for the team players to sign up with. It would be handy to have your players emails as the site will send a link to all emails uploaded inviting them to join that team.
It will be necessary to pay the Rocky Touch season fees of $125, QTF Membership $30, TFA Insurance $22 per player when each player registers during the registration process online.
Registrations close 31st January before the season commences. You can still register later but you will miss round one and will need to contact the administrator to be added.
If you need assistance registering please call or message 0409631633 or email